Trello Power-Ups

About the Trello Ecosystem

When Trello launched the Power-Ups Directory, it made headlines on Techcrunch on release day.

I was delighted to work on the new Directory together with the Trello Ecosystem team. The Ecosystem team at Trello works with third-party developers to develop Power-Ups for Trello.

Power-Ups empower users to bring additional features to boards and integrate their favorite apps right into Trello.

A successful directory for Power-Ups is important for the success of third-party developers and the Trello ecosystem.

Having a full grasp of the importance of the directory, we wanted to create a space where we could highlight featured and essential Power-Ups. The featured section allows the team to cycle through Power-Ups on a regular basis, so we can highlight new or popular Power-Ups.

For users who are new to Power-Ups, and unsure where to begin, we have a section of essential Power-Ups. In this section, we highlight commonly used Power-Ups that are valuable to almost any workflow like Calendar, Slack, and Google Drive.

Furthermore, we wanted to make it easy to search and find Power-Ups, while providing enough information for each Power-Up to educate new users on how the Power-Up could be useful in their workflow.

The Directory was an excellent working experience because since its launch, we updated the directory experience and layout to address user feedback and behaviors. For example, we saw that users used search a lot, so we made the search bar more prominent. Furthermore, people wanted to see more Power-Ups on the homepage, so we removed the content banners to bring more focus to individual Power-Ups.

I'm pleased to see the success of the Power-Up Directory. When the project started, all Power-Ups were listed on the board sidebar menu. It was a good start when Power-Ups were introduced, but now with over 120 Power-Ups available to users, there was a need to create a new delightful experience for the millions of Trello users.



